1. 'Burial Ground' is the Horniest Zombie Film You've Never Seen
Dec 28, 2022 · The narrative is almost an afterthought to depictions of copulation and zombie montages. But Italian horror of this vintage often favored style ...
We look back on the bizarre Italian horror film 'Burial Ground' and its nauseating nipple-gnawing scene. Read more now.

2. Quick Review: “Burial Ground” (A.K.A “The Zombie Dead”) (1981) (Film)
Sep 28, 2023 · It is literally THE perfect example of a laugh-out-loud low-budget late-night zombie film and I had eighty-one minutes of pure, solid FUN ...
Well, although I don’t have time to write a “proper” film review, I just have to talk about this movie! It is literally THE most laugh-out-loud “so bad that it’s good&…

3. Review: Burial Ground – The Nights of Terror (1981)
The plot is minimal, the characters one-dimensional, and the scares non-existent. The mix of nudity, gore, and Oedipal action is pretty obviously tossed ...
BURIAL GROUND: THE NIGHTS OF TERROR (1981) Unrated / Color / 85 Minutes Directed by Andrea Bianchi Also Known As: Le notti del terrore Purchase it: Amazon.com (DVD) | Amazon.com (Blu-ray)
4. Burial Ground - The Nights of Terror (1981) - Rubbish - - Malevolent Dark
Dec 3, 2020 · The story begins with an Archeologist excavating an ancient tomb. He unwittingly releases an ancient evil that causes the dead to rise from their graves.
To put it bluntly, Burial Ground sucks. Plenty of horror films suck, but many manage to also be fun. Burial Ground fails spectacularly at being fun. Read More

5. Burial Ground (Severin Films) UHD/Blu-ray Review
Mar 7, 2024 · Burial Ground remains an awesome cinematic headscratcher, a mind-meltingly awful and awesome slice of gory Italian zombie horror and if nothing ...
A review for the Severin Films UHD/Blu-ray release of Burial Ground!

6. Meathook Cinema Hall of Fame- Burial Ground (1981)
Nov 30, 2022 · But whilst gore-loving zombies, opulent mansion settings and bad dubbing is more than enough to ensure a great night's entertainment for me, ...
I had first heard about the film Burial Ground aka Nights of Terror (1981) years before I actually got to see it for myself. When it was finally released in Britain, it was released in 1987 on Apex…

7. Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981), Slow Zombies Kill Weird ...
Nov 23, 2021 · Despite being funny for its bizarre casting and weird, violently sexual encounters, Burial Ground really has nothing to offer. Even the death ...
In Andrea Bianchi’s Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981), the zombies slow down to a near standstill.

8. Burial Ground (1981) review - That Was A Bit Mental
Apr 3, 2016 · It's an early '80s Italian horror with almost everything: loads of zombies, countless gory set-pieces, brilliantly terrible dubbing and a 25-year-old man ...
Take some zombies, add more zombies, remove the plot, throw in a few more zombies and add a bizarre breastfeeding scene and you’ve got this Italian gem.

9. Burial Ground 4K UHD Review - Genre Grinder
Apr 29, 2024 · In Fulci's world, it makes dramatic sense, as the otherwise illogical actions of an H.P. Lovecraft narrator who is so utterly mortified that he ...
George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead (1978) was a worldwide hit and milestone motion picture, but, thanks to the production assistance fro...

10. Burial Ground (1981) | kindertrauma
Oct 19, 2011 · It's a bad day for the living and a good day for the stunningly resourceful dead. Normally a good zombie movie will make me morbidly ...
If you watch horror movies all year ‘round to begin with, how in the world do you amp up your Halloween viewing pleasure for the month of October? One way I kick things up a notch is by shamelessly watching movies that are extra goofy. BURIAL GROUND: THE NIGHTS OF TERROR is just such a
Jul 25, 2018 · The score for this film by Bert Rexon and Elsio Mancus is often quite extraordinary with some really wacky spaced-out electronics interspersed ...
![BURIAL GROUND [1981] [HCF GUILTY PLEASURES]](https://horrorcultfilms.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/burial-ground.jpg)
12. Burial Ground (1981) - The EOFFTV Review - WordPress.com
Mar 23, 2022 · And yet it's so loopy that it manages to entertain almost in spite of itself. No-one's going to make any claims for it being even in the top 10 ...
Original title: Le notti del terrore; aka: Nights of Terror; Zombie 3; The Zombie Dead; Zombie Horror By any objective standard, Andrea Bianchi’s Burial Ground, a shameless knock-off of Lucio…

13. Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981) - Nick Karner
Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror is poorly-made trash, but it's shamelessly outrageous and very enjoyable.
It’s hard enough to take an Italian zombie flick seriously when the young boy in peril is clearly a man-child. Add in a poor English dub from an older actor who figured speaking in a light falsetto was the way to go, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster, hilarity, or both. The Zombie Film genre is a resilient branch of the horror community. It may have reached its peak in the mid-2010's as The Walking Dead’s audience numbers dwindled and box office returns were disappointing to say the least. Th

14. Masterpiece Theater: BURIAL GROUND - Last Movie Outpost
Nov 15, 2023 · Burial Ground (1981). Directed by Andrea Bianchi – This analysis will contain spoilers. A professor (Benito Barbieri) studying an ancient ...
The mysterious DwC returns with Masterpiece Theater. This time - Burial Ground. The 1981 zombie thriller that is just so very wrong.